AXPC Statement on Haaland Senate Hearing

WASHINGTON – The American Exploration and Production Council expressed their commitment to working with the Biden Administration Secretary of the Interior on meaningful ways to continue safe and responsible development of oil and natural gas resources in the United States on federal lands while building on the progress we have made in reducing emissions.

“The American oil and gas industry is committed to working with the Biden Administration’s Interior Secretary to ensure safe and environmentally responsible extraction of our nation’s vast natural resources for the good of all Americans.

“If confirmed, Ms. Haaland would move from the role of lawmaker to leading the Department of the Interior with responsibility to execute current law. And, she would transition from the role of community activist and Representative of the 1st District of New Mexico to a Member of the Cabinet responsible for ensuring the effective management of our federal land and natural resources, including onshore oil and natural gas production under the Mineral Leasing Act and other statutes governing the DOI.

“We are confident that the Senators on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee – many of whom represent states with significant oil and gas production on federal lands – will ask Ms. Haaland to clarify her actions and statements expressing strong opposition of a great American industry that represents millions of good-paying American jobs and supports billions of dollars in state and federal taxes. We also urge members of the Committee to seek assurances that Ms. Haaland will protect America’s ability to access our oil and natural gas resources.

“We want to work with the Biden Administration to meet the dual challenge of addressing the risks of climate change, while providing Americans and the world with affordable and reliable energy.  It is vital that the Administration appreciates the key role that oil and natural gas will continue to play in delivering energy to the American people. It is equally important that the nominee recognizes the important contribution oil and gas revenues make to the federal and state budgets. A balanced approach should be taken to regulations at the Interior Department, fully taking into account the potential negative impacts that restricting energy production would have on American workers, state economies, and global emissions.”

The U.S. Secretary of the Interior is responsible for representing a broad constituency across America and managing the federal government’s onshore oil and gas program, including the leasing and permitting of oil and gas exploration, development, and production on both federal and Native American land.

Ongoing operations and oil and natural gas production on federal lands has huge conservation benefits, including funding of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which authorizes $900 million per year and goes beyond funding in states with operations to benefitting conservation efforts across the country.

About the American Exploration and Production Council:
AXPC is a national trade association representing the largest independent oil and natural gas exploration and production companies in the United States. We lead the world in the cleanest and safest onshore production of oil and gas, while supporting millions of Americans in high-paying jobs and investing a wealth of resources in our communities. Learn more at


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